Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, PhD

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón

Who am I?

My name is Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón. I was born in Mexico and am living in Japan. I’m also a queer and transgender woman, data science / artificial intelligence engineer, artist and martial artist, and I intend to de-stigmatize LGBTQ+, mental health and neurodiversity. I have a PhD in Information Science and Control Engineering, which I obtained at the Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan. This page is dedicated to show my contributions to academic research and collect in one website the different places where I’m displaying my publications and contributions.

I’ve been in Japan for 7 years, and during my PhD I did my research in the Knowledge Mining Laboratory in NUT, under the guidance of Dr. Hirofumi Nonaka. I did research in Artificial Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Mining. My research interests were Text and Data mining for management purposes and multilingual endeavors.

Because Mexican names have two family names, many automatic crawlers show me as ECA Carreón in the papers I’ve authored, but this is incorrect. If you want to cite my work, Elisa is my first name, Claire my second name, and Alemán Carreón is my surname.

What do I do?

Right now, I am employed at a small AI engineering company in Osaka. During my PhD, however, my main interest was research in the Information Science area. In my free time, I am also an artist, I mainly use ink on paper. I also do many martial arts, and I used to be the president of the Aikido club in my university, currently I work out and practice several Japanese martial arts along with kickboxing. In the past, I’ve also participated in musical ensembles with my ocarina and quena. I am also a small content creator online.

I also was a member of the SDGs promoters in Nagaoka University of Technology. I did design work for promotion of events related to SDGs, and I also organized and made an online lecture presentation about LGBT and Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities and the problems that queer people face in society around the world, and specifically in Japan. I did it during the Transgender Awareness Week 2020. You can see a PDF version of my presentation here, with slides and content in English and Japanese.

In my spare time, I also study other languages and make static websites from scratch! (HTML and CSS only). In fact, I made a website for my Polish language studying notes.

Where to find me?

Professional / academic e-mail: elisa.claire.aleman.carreon@gmail.com

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-6437-0866