First Blog Entry: Motivations

2022/06/23 (Thursday) - Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, PhD

Hello everyone! This is mostly a test to see if my blog works correctly but I’d also like to talk about my motivations behind writing this blog in particular.

Of course if you already read the Main Page of my Blog then you should know a bit about why I started writing this in the first place. But nonetheless, I believe it should have its own entry.

It came as a surprise to me, after years of writing my own gratitude journal, traveling journal, dream journal, a sex-health journal, a therapy journal… And after lots of suffering and rummaging through my programming code and experiment results to try to find what exactly I did to fit a timeline when writing my papers, I extended that list to include a detailed research journal organized by project… after having written half a book in High School, and lots of poetry as well… that I enjoyed writing. A lot of those projects and journals are out of date, left half-ways, or burnt depending on my previous circumstances, but the fact is, without realizing, I loved writing, and I wasn’t stopping even if I was switching topics. This is common for ADHD people, so that part isn’t surprising, but I only came to that realization when a friend pointed out to me how much I was writing.

This blog is an extension of all that, except I want my writing to contribute to the betterment of workplaces, academic settings, and other serious environments where my ideas, which aren’t revolutionary in the spaces I frequent, might spark a conversation in places where these conversations are usually left out.

I want to say that I have a pretty unique perspective, even though there’s a lot of content out there with similar points of view, in that I am by virtue of all the categories I belong in, at a very inter-sectional point of view in topics of diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, be that academic or business oriented. I want to share that perspective precisely so that others in similar positions to me can have a stronger voice and so we can eventually achieve good, open, diverse and inclusive workplaces where everyone can contribute their strengths without letting their weaknesses be an obstacle. After all, no matter where you work, it’s all about working as a team.

In this blog I will speak on social matters in the context where I might be able to bring out some light. For example, I might write about queer issues in general, queer issues in Japan, or queer issues in engineering workplaces in Japan, and so on. I will also be writing about accessibility in engineering, as well as other topics about diversity and inclusion, with the specific point of view that I have as a queer foreign neurodiverse (ADHD and autistic) engineer living and working in Japan. I will also touch on topics on physical and mental health, such as disability, depression, work-related stress, PTSD, among others. I might also just point to other good articles I might find, while giving my point of view (although it’d be difficult to keep the multilingual aspect of the blog intact).

I will also, from time to time, write about nifty engineering tools or guides that I have written for specific problems I have run in the past. Usually it will involve Python, LaTeX, Markdown, Shell, or OS specific problems, most of the time also having to do with me needing to use Japanese in some of these documents.

I hope not only that you enjoy reading my posts, but that you may find them appropriate to share in your academic or business workplaces to make a more inclusive space where everyone can feel comfortable.

In the end, my motivation is to make this world a more livable place for everyone.

If you have any questions please contact me at the following:

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