Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, PhD
Curriculum Vitae

Research related e-mail: elisa.claire.aleman.carreon@gmail.com



I am an AI engineer born in Mexico, I have lived in Japan since 2015 and have gotten used to Japanese language and culture. I received the B.S. and M.S. degrees and have a PhD in Information Science and Control Engineering, which I obtained in the Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan under the instruction of Hirofumi Nonaka. I delve in Artificial Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Mining. My engineering interests are Text and Data mining for management purposes and multilingual endeavors.

Education and Qualification

Nagaoka University of Technology, Department of Engineering, Department of Information Science and Control Engineering Doctoral Course
[Enrollment Period] 2019-04 〜 2022-03
Research Theme: Development of service industry evaluation indexes based on data / text mining
Nagaoka University of Technology, Department of Engineering, Department of Information and Management Systems Engineering Master’s Course
[Enrollment Period] 2017-04 〜 2019-03
Nagaoka University of Technology, College of Engineering, Management Information Systems Engineering Course
[Enrollment Period] 2015-04 〜 2017-03 (Enrolled in 3rd year because of Twinning Program)
Universidad de Monterrey, Department of Technologic Engineering, Animation and Digital Effect Studies
[Enrollment Period] 2012-09 〜 2017-03
In Mexico I studied specialized fields combined with physics, dynamics, programming, mathematics, management, drawing, story making, 3D modeling, 2D and 3D animation, user-centered interface design. In the meantime, I also took a Japanese course aimed at engineering field.
Universidad de Monterrey, High School Program (Prepa UDEM)
[Enrollment Period] 2009-09 〜 2012-08
International Baccalaureate
Diploma: 38 points / 45 points
Mathematics: 7 points / 7 points
Extra items German: 5 points / 7 points

Club and Circle Activities

I was the club leader of the Aikido club in my university, but there hasn’t been any recent activity due to the pandemic. Not so much recently because of the pandemic, but since I was an undergraduate, I wanted to experience various martial arts, so I also participated in the karate club, judo club, kendo club, archery club, and Shorinji Kempo club. When I was in third year of undergraduate school, I also belonged to music circles and art circles, and even performed live at some points.

After leaving school I continue to practice martial arts and athleticism along with visual art in my free time.

Work Experience

Software / AI Engineer (Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan)
[Employment period] 2022-05-10 〜 Currently Employed
Workplace description
Small AI company working B2B, offering solutions to businesses needing AI implementations.
Work content
Project-based work, programming and report writing. Using Python for machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Work details
I applied since it aligns with my need to work on separate projects and expand my horizons after working on a long PhD dissertation.
Appeal points
Real life work experience, team-based work projects, organized tasks and comprehensive report writing and documentation, as well as organized work through git.
Nagaoka University of Technology (Student SDGs Promoter) (Part-time job)
[Employment period] 2020-10 〜 2022-03-25
Workplace description
Nagaoka University of Technology was designated as one of the hub universities for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that were defined by the UN. Promotion activities are being carried out by school staff and students.
Work content
Activities to raise awareness of SDGs and approach the purpose of SDGs.
Work details
Since Nagaoka University of Technology became an SDGs hub university and started recruiting student promoters, I applied because I saw it as an opportunity to cooperate with more people in making the progress I wanted to see in this school. Recently, I've been designing posters and presentations for promotion of events related to SDGs. Most recently, I organized an online lecture presentation on LGBT and gender, sexual and romantic minorities, and the problems queer people are facing in societies around the world, especially in Japan. I presented this lecture was during the Transgender Awareness Week 2020, both in Japanese and English. You can see the slides here. Previously, I also designed a poster for a cleaning event to pick up trash on the beach and also participated in said event. I recently edited an interview video to promote awareness of the situation of refugees. Details of other activities can be found at this link .
Appeal points
Design for presentations and event promotions to raise awareness of the SDGs
Nagaoka University of Technology (Industry-academia-government collaboration assistant) (Part-time job)
[Employment period] 2017-12 〜 2019-12
Workplace description
Efforts to broaden wisdom and raise local technology through joint research between local small and medium-sized enterprises and this university.
Work content
I participated in the creation of joint research programs and made project proposals at meetings with the company leaders.
Work details
I collaborated with multiple companies and used artificial intelligence and machine learning to solve problems.
Appeal points
I was able to experience the workplace of several companies closer and think about the solutions suitable for each one with the knowledge in my field. And I was able to make practical solutions too.


Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Doctoral Course Scholarship(YD)
[Duration] 2020-04 〜 2022-03
JASSO Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students
[Duration] 2019-04 〜 2020-03
Monbukagakusho is the Japanese government Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
MEXT Scholarship (University Recommendation -SGU-)
[Duration] 2018-04 〜 2019-03
Japanese Government (MEXT) University Recommendation, Top Global University Project
2008 Prepa UDEM Mathematics Olympiad 1st place award tuition exemption
[Duration] 2009-09 〜 2015-03
For which I received a 90% tuition exemption from Universidad de Monterrey.

Academic Publications (Peer Reviewed) (13)

You can consult a list of my publications here, as well as in the websites listed at the top of my CV as well as the footer of this page.

You can also download my summarized BibTeX file here.

Pre-prints are also available at ResearchGate.

Academic Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed) (5)

First Author Papers (Peer Reviewed) (3)

International Journal Papers (first author) (Peer Reviewed) (2)

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hugo Alberto Mendoza España, Hirofumi Nonaka, and Toru Hiraoka. “Differences in Chinese and Western tourists faced with Japanese hospitality: A natural language processing approach”. Information Technology & Tourism Vol. 23. No. 3 (2021), pp. 381–438. ISSN: 1943-4294. DOI: 10.1007/s40558-021-00203-8. arXiv: 2107.14681. URL: https://rdcu.be/cl202. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hirofumi Nonaka, Asahi Hentona, and Hirochika Yamashiro. “Measuring the influence of mere exposure effect of TV commercial adverts on purchase behavior based on machine learning prediction models”. Information Processing & Management Vol. 56. No. 4 (2019), pp. 1339–1355. ISSN: 0306-4573. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipm.2019.03.007. arXiv: 1904.06862. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306457318305028. PDF. BibTeX citation.

National Journal Papers (Japan) (first author) (Peer Reviewed) (1)

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hirofumi Nonaka, and Toru Hiraoka. “Relation Analysis between Hotel Review Rating Scores and Sentiment Analysis of Reviews by Chinese Tourists Visiting Japan”. The Japanese Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers Vol. 6. No. 2 (2018), pp. 95–99. ISSN: 2189-373X (print), 2187-5146 (electronic). DOI: 10.12792/jjiiae.6.2.95. (Enlgish translation) arXiv: 2110.00821. URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjiiae/6/2/6_95/_article/-char/ja/. PDF (jp). PDF (en). BibTeX citation.

Co-Author Papers (Peer Reviewed) (2)

International Papers (co-author) (Peer Reviewed) (2)

Toru Hiraoka, Hirofumi Nonaka, and Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón. “Generation of Galvanized Metal Images by Skewness”. ICIC Express Letters Vol. 13. No. 11 (2019), pp. 1015–1019. ISSN: 1881-803X. DOI: 10.24507/icicel.13.11.1015. URL: http://www.icicel.org/ell/contents/2019/11/el-13-11-04.pdf. PDF. BibTeX Citation.

Toru Hiraoka, Hirofumi Nonaka, and Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón. “Reduction of Iterative Calculation and Quality Improvement for Generation of Moire-Like Images Using Bilateral Filter”. ICIC Express Letters Vol. 13. No. 10 (2019), pp. 949–954. ISSN: 1881-803X. DOI: 10.24507/icicel.13.10.949. URL: http://www.icicel.org/ell/contents/2019/10/el-13-10-10.pdf. PDF. BibTeX Citation.

Academic Conference Papers (Peer Reviewed) (8)

First Author Conferences (Peer Reviewed) (3)

International Conferences (first author) (Peer Reviewed) (3)

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Tetsuro Ito, Hirofumi Nonaka, Minoru Kumano, Toru Hiraoka, and Masaharu Hirota. “Causal relationship between eWOM topics and profit of rural tourism at Japanese Roadside Stations “MICHINOEKI””. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES’18). MEDES ’18. Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 25-28, 2018, pp. 212–218. ISBN: 978-1-4503-5622-0/18/09. DOI: 10.1145/3281375.3281395. arXiv: 1904.12039. URL: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3281375.3281395. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hirofumi Nonaka, Toru Hiraoka, Minoru Kumano, Takao Ito, and Masaharu Hirota. “Emotional Contribution Analysis of Online Reviews”. Proceedings of The 2018 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2018). Vol. 23. Beppu, Japan, Feb. 4, 2018, pp. 359–362. DOI: 10.5954/ICAROB.2018.OS5-3. arXiv: 1905.00185. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hirofumi Nonaka, and Toru Hiraoka. “Analysis of Chinese Tourists in Japan by Text Mining of a Hotel Portal Site”. Proceedings from The 18th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2017). Daegu, South Korea, Oct. 12, 2017, pp. 191–198. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7831853. arXiv: 1904.13214. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Co-Author Conferences (Peer Reviewed) (5)

International Conferences (co-author) (Peer Reviewed) (5)

Hirochika Yamashiro, Hirofumi Nonaka, and Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón. “Development of an Unsupervised Learning Methods for Classification of Accident Reports without Code Information”. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). Xiamen, China, China: IEEE, Dec. 6-9, 2019, pp. 867–873. ISBN: 978-1-7281-2486-5 (print), 978-1-7281-2485-8 (electronic). DOI: 10.1109/SSCI44817.2019.9002985. BibTeX citation.

Kensei Nakai, Hirofumi Nonaka, Asahi Hentona, Yuki Kanai, Takeshi Sakumoto, Shotaro Kataoka, Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, and Toru Hiraoka. “Community Detection and Growth Potential Prediction Using the Stochastic Block Model and the Long Short-term Memory from Patent Citation Networks”. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2018). Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 16-19, 2018, pp. 1884–1888. DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2018.8607487. arXiv: 1904.12986. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Yoshiki Horii, Hirofumi Nonaka, Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hiroki Horino, and Toru Hiraoka. “Topic Classification Method for Analyzing Effect of eWOM on Consumer Game Sales”. Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems in conjunction with Intelligent Systems Workshop 2018 (2018 SCIS-ISIS2018). Toyama, Japan, Dec. 5-8, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.8026778 arXiv: 1904.13213. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Asahi Hentona, Takeshi Sakumoto, Hugo Alberto Mendoza España, Hirofumi Nonaka, Shotaro Kataoka, Toru Hiraoka, Kensei Nakai, Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, and Masaharu Hirota. “Community Detection and Growth Potential Prediction from Patent Citation Networks”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES’18). MEDES ’18. Tokyo, Japan: ACM, Sept. 25-28, 2018, pp. 204–211. ISBN: 978-1-4503-5622-0. DOI: 10.1145/3281375.3281396 . arXiv: 1904.12040. URL: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3281375.3281396. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Hiroki Horino, Hirofumi Nonaka, Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, and Toru Hiraoka. “Development of an Entropy-Based Feature Selection Method and Analysis of Online Reviews on Real Estate”. Proceedings from the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (2017 IEEE IEEM). Singapore, Dec. 10-13, 2017, pp. 2351–2355. DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2017.8290312. arXiv: 1904.11797. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Doctoral Thesis

You can consult my doctoral thesis which collects all of my findings throughout the years.

Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón. “Development of service industry evaluation indexes based on data / text mining”. PhD thesis. Nagaoka University of Technology, 2022. PDF. BibTeX citation.

Peer Reviews

For more details, see my Publons Peer Review page.


Programming languages Python, shellscript, C ++, Java, JavaScript
Other languages for PC LaTeX, HTML, CSS, SQL
Machine Learning Models Tensorflow, word2vec, LightGBM, xgboost, SVM
Operating Systems MacOSX, Linux
Software (IT) SublimeText, git, jekyll 
Software (Creative) Photoshop, Illustrator, DreamWeaver, AfterEffects, Premiere, Maya, Blender, Logic
Software (Office) Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Language Abilities Spanish (native language), English (fluent), Japanese (advanced), German (beginner), Polish (beginner), others experienced
Special skills Programming, Natural Language Processing (NLP), mathematics, logic, drawing, design, UX design, UI design, visuals, languages
Personal relations I like achieving efficiency by working as a team, as well as working on my own.

Language Tests